Intelligent But Disorganized! May 27, 2015 10:29

Anak2 dyslexia memang ada hard time with the sequencing (urutan). So cleaning the room is hard because its a mess and they don’t know what they need to do first. I believe its very challenging for them.

Kena bagi specific instruction, buku yg bersepah diatas meja, atas katil, kat lantai semua kena letak kat book shelf. Baju-baju kena lipat atau masuk dalam mesin basuh. Pinggan dan gelas letak dalam dapur untuk dicuci and so many other instruction. Kalau suruh setakat bersihkan “your room”, they dont know how to start, and end up keluar masuk bilik@buang masa. And harap2 boleh ingat! Kadang-kala tak ingat pulak what to do if told more than 2 things at a time. Ini jugak one of the traits of dyslexics. Instuructions tu kena simple n be patient.

Sometimes they dont see the mess. Tapi suka sangat bila bilik jadi kemas....lepas tu berserabut balik. Saya rasa perkara ini common. Again, not every child of course....but kebanyakkan anak2 dyslexic kekurangan organzation skills. Actually anak2 kita ini can be tidy and messy but cannot organize itu saja. Kalau nak pakai pyscology term its called “Executive Functioning Skills”.